Back during the heady days of 4th Edition D&D, we had a wonderful product known as the Magna-Map Combat Grid. This wonderful flexible battle-map could be rolled up and taken with you to any game, had a superior wipe-off surface that would work with wet-erase or dry-erase markers…and best of all was MAGNETICALLY RECEPTIVE! Like a refrigerator: it didn’t have a charge itself, but all magnets would stick to it.
This made it incredibly handy for setting up little magnetic status flags next to characters and monsters that could track the tons of conditions that got handed out in 4E. It was also really fun to map with, because you could hook magnetic adapters up to our Bendy Dungeon Walls and set up dungeon environments really fast that would stay in place because of the magnets.
Well, 4E is long gone, and Bendy Dungeon Walls are too (the print run sold out and I did not want the hassle of going back to China to get more produced) but the MAGNA-MAP is back! And it is still super-useful!
We’ve also designed a new magnetic dungeon set, Magna-Build Role-Playing Terrain System, that you can 3d print and assemble yourself for super-fast and stylish 3d dungeon environments! You can find the Magna-Build files HERE, and buy the Magna-Map right Here!