The kickstarter has concluded successfully, and Dark-Platypus Studio is pleased to announce that our new adventure module The Rats of GIM is now available for purchase in our online store! Get it right here: https://dark-platypus.com/product/the-rats-of-gim/

The Rats of G.I.M is a 1st-2nd level adventure for the Mutant Crawl Classic RPG published by Goodman Games.
Your band of Seekers come upon a village that has been beset by a strange plague. The affected villagers are suffering from bizarre out-of-control mutations and eventual madness, and they need you to help. You must track a new breed of bizarre mutant rat back to their source, a long-hidden laboratory of the Ancients. In this underground ruin your Seekers will face many horrifying challenges as they race against time to find a cure for a plague that could threaten all of Terra A.D.
The Rats of G.I.M. Kickstarter features a 48-page full color 8-1/2”x 11” softcover adventure module and includes access to a PDF of printable battle maps. The Mutant Mayhem Minis line of pewter gaming figures has also been expanded with models specific to this adventure to really kick it up a notch.
Fight back vs the plague, act now!