Boneyard Serpent King – Gargantuan Skeletal Snake


A large battle in a fantasy land resulted in a huge numbers of casualties. It was a pyrrhic victory at best, so much so that neither side could be bothered to bury the dead. Corpses of both men and monsters were simply piled high and left to the passage of time.  


Boneyard Serpent King 

A Gargantuan undead creature miniature for 28mm games. 

Sculpted by: Andrew K. Barlow
Painted by Erica King & Andrew Barlow

A large battle in a fantasy land resulted in a huge numbers of casualties. It was a pyrrhic victory at best, so much so that neither side could be bothered to bury the dead. Corpses of both men and monsters were simply piled high and left to the passage of time.  

Once all the meat was gone, the souls of the dead also departed, but their memories of betrayal remained behind. So great was the echo of hatred that had been left behind, that the bones themselves joined together to form a monstrous serpent -an apparition of vengeance whose only desire was to strike out against all living things! 

The Boneyard Serpent King is a Gargantuan -sized monster, designed to sit on a 4” x 4” base, and measuring 150mm wide and 70 mm tall (6” x 2.75”). It is loaded with highly visible details, from the great spine and rib bones to the tiny little human bones, skulls, and ribcages that make up its main mass. It has a very dynamic pose and even features lots of falling bones that add to the illusion of movement. 

Dark-Platypus Studio specializes in making models for role-playing game enthusiasts. Our models are designed to be printed in 28mm scale, the perfect size for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other games that are often played on a 1” grid. They are also designed to stand up to actual tabletop use: no ridiculous spindly bits that look awesome but are going to break the first time someone sneezes. Paintability and ease of assembly are also important concerns to our design aesthetic.  

This monster was sculpted on commission from a friend who is running an AGE OF WORMS campaign. It is not available anywhere else but here! 

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