


$9.99 for Pewter & $3

28mm scale miniature. One part with an included acrylic base.


28mm figurine perfect for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG. Male Mutant Human.

Pliss-Kin is a large mutant with a serpentine tail instead of legs. He is strong, wields a big ax, and has several destructive mutant powers. He puts special care into maintaining his hub-cap body armor, as he worries his great size makes him an easy target.

Details: This high-quality figurine is cast in lead-free pewter. It is supplied unpainted, and some assembly is required. Model comes as one part with a separate base.

The Mutant Mayhem Minis line of figures was designed for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG, but also go great with DCC or any game that uses 28mm minis. Playable character stats for Pliss-Kin can be found in the Mutant Mayhem Minis Character Folio.

Sculpted by: Andrew K. Barlow

Painted by Erica King & Andrew Barlow


Male Mutant Human with Stop-Sign Axe

28mm scale miniature perfect for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG.

Pliss-Kin is a large mutant with a serpentine tail instead of legs. He is strong, wields a big ax, and has several destructive mutant powers. He puts special care into maintaining his hub-cap body armor, as he worries his great size makes him an easy target.

The Mutant Mayhem Minis line of figures was designed for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG, but also go great with DCC, Gamma World, D&D or any game that uses 28mm minis.

Dark-Platypus Studio specializes in making models for role-playing game enthusiasts. Our models are designed to be printed in 28mm scale, the perfect size for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other games that are often played on a 1” grid. They are also designed to stand up to actual tabletop use: no ridiculous spindly bits that look awesome but are going to break the first time someone sneezes. Paintability and ease of assembly are also important concerns to our design aesthetic.

Pliss-Kin was created as part of the Mutant Mayhem Minis Kickstarter (2018) and is among the Wave One of Mutant Mayhem Minis character pieces for Mutant Crawl Classics. He was initially offered only as a pewter model but is now available for 3D printing as well!



Additional information

Weight .2 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 5 × 1 in

Pewter, STL


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