A large-sized Slime Monster for 28mm games
Sculpted by: Andrew K. Barlow Painted by Erica King & Andrew Barlow |
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An extremely magical slime, they crystalline ooze is somehow both a liquid and a solid at the same time. It is also very sharp, pointy, and dangerous, able to make stabbing psuedopods and split into smaller crysalline oozes when smashed with blunt weapons.
Dark-Platypus Studio specializes in making models for role-playing game enthusiasts. Our models are designed to be printed in 28mm scale, the perfect size for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other games that are often played on a 1” grid. They are also designed to stand up to actual tabletop use: no ridiculous spindly bits that look awesome but are going to break the first time someone sneezes. Paintability and ease of assembly are also important concerns to our design aesthetic.
The Crystalline Ooze was created as part of the Slimes! Kickstarter, in response to a Backer request. It is designed to be printed as a “Large” Model, which will fit on a 2” circular base.
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